gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Feb 26, 2012 12:02
endorse: sunny10, extras: mbc section tv, extras: cf shooting, extras: behind the scene
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Apr 24, 2009 17:03
must see: dae, must see: gri, extras: mbc section tv, must see: bong, extras: cf shooting, videos: interviews, extras: behind the scene
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Mar 13, 2009 17:19
must see: dae, solo activites: gdragon, solo activites: taeyang, must see: bong, videos: interviews, solo activites: top, must see: tabi, solo activites: daesung, extras: mbc section tv, extras: cf shooting
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Feb 06, 2009 18:51
must see: baby, activities: 2nd album, extras: mbc section tv, must see: bong, videos: interviews, extras: photoshoots
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Nov 21, 2008 18:41
must see: dae, must see: bong, must see: bae, must see: tabi, must see: baby, activities: 2nd album, videos: mp4 format, extras: mbc section tv, extras: cf shooting, extras: behind the scene
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Oct 24, 2008 21:02
must see: dae, activities: 3rd mini album, must see: bong, extras: photoshoots, must see: bae, must see: tabi, must see: baby, extras: mbc section tv, extras: behind the scene
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Jul 25, 2008 17:05
must see: dae, must see: bong, videos: interviews, extras: photoshoots, must see: gri, must see: bae, must see: tabi, must see: baby, activities: 1st mini album, extras: mbc section tv
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Jul 18, 2008 16:02
activities: 3rd mini album, extras: mbc section tv, videos: interviews, extras: photoshoots